Sunday, June 16, 2019

Under an Ionized Sky with Harry Blazer & Elana Freeland

This is our new Reality, and for some of us, we live day to day, sometimes hour to hour, not sure if the "weather" will pop up out of nowhere, and of course no amount of preparation can prepare you for a storm that pops up, and it's no rainy bluster, it's a life or death surprise roof buster and sadly more.  The book is so thorough, impeccably researched and irrefutable.   We need to fight this war waged against us, and by the way, these conjured storms do not cover insurance company a**es, as these are clearly no acts of God.  Acts of those who believe they're God do not apply.   Weaponizing Weather.  A Democrat door left open for Deep Shit State attacks against Americans.  Gotta look it all up in the Law Library, but something tells me no one signed a treaty allowing a secret war being waged on an entire country, countless lives lost, and I won't get to the insurance claims denied because these corrupt swamp things lied.      The JIG IS UP.  Some of us are sick of this BLATANT new cloud, air flow, and meteorology shift creating so much death and destruction!