Monday, January 30, 2012

English: This is a Survive Logo with freak &qu...Image via Wikipedia
Cicero Denounces CatilineImage via Wikipedia
treasonImage by Josh Parrish via Flickr
Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War t...Image via Wikipedia
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive Treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the Traitor moves amongst those within the gates freely, his sly whispers, rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very walls of the Government itself.  For the Traitor appears not a Traitor, he speaks in accents familiar to his Victims, and wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a Nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The Traitor is the Plague" ~~ Cicero 55 BC Roman Senate

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Pleading The Fifth...

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 08: Attorney General...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
English: The Bill of Rights, the first ten ame...Image via Wikipedia
As in the hearings of the Fast and Furious Operation, where a key attorney for the defense, Cunningham, has evoked his right to the Fifth Amendment, in other words, to not testify under oath, as to do so would incriminate himself and or others as guilty as charged.. (damned if he does, damned if he doesn't).  The Fifth plea is invoked as he also would be proven to be perjuring himself, should he NOT tell the truth under oath, making it worse, as he'd be proven a liar by evidence known to be had against him, and still incur guilty charges as well as perjury.

The Fifth is an unsaid statement of guilt, invoked so as to avoid the humiliation of displaying these facts, on the record, in an official hearing.  This only makes the case a stronger one against those involved and guilty, as the plaintiff's team will dig deeper, subpoena further documents and witnesses that will make the final verdict invoke a more severe sentencing for all involved.    Delaying the inevitable, while the charges and punishment terms pile up.   Go Eric Holder, you're your own worst enemy.  Unfortunately you're this country's worst enemy aside from your boss you continue to protect to yours and his own peril.    May God let mercy be had on the souls who deserve it, and the soulless acts you and your boss have taken against good Americans be punished mercilessly.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stalker at George Bush's House in Dallas had a Concealed Carry License

The 9-1-1 operator connected me to a Sgt.Loffner (Loughner) at City Hall who told me the man of concern for stalking former President Bush and claiming he was sent by spiritual messages to pick up a package from Bush, had a concealed weapon license, so they didn't want to violate any of his rights.---THAT is why they let him go.  REALLY??

 I said well that's not sufficient and negligent because a man who shows up at George Bush's house telling security he's there because he was "spiritually sent  to send him a package" says that might be MORE than a problem loud and clear, and to a citizen of the Dallas area with family who happens to live in that vicinity, that is NOT ok, and they will be negligent when he lets loose on someone else or returns to the Bush residence if they let him go.   His words screamed that he's off his meds, schizophrenic, not in the right state of mind, and concealed weapon license or not, having a legal gun acting strange, and saying the voices told him to be there is a cause for concern, period, with or without  the gun.

The Sgt.  THEN told me that the Secret Service had him, not to worry, and he asked if I wanted the dispatch number from that precinct (?)  ...  I said yes, and left them a message.. I was calm and made it very clear that it was known this man was let go because he had a concealed weapon license, and that's not going to fly with this citizen.   His words were those of someone with a loony toons license too.  There was also a gun that originated in Dallas involved in the gun running operation..  So who's to say this Second Amendment-phobic administration didn't put guns in the hands of non-criminal schizophrenics as well?    They worked with violent drug cartel members, why not swing by the mental hospital and get a list of cured cuckoo birds while you're at it??  The man obviously had a driver's license, which legally gives him the right to DRIVE a deadly weapon, so PLEASE don't hand me your Gun Law Blues.  This was an obvious RUSE. The NRA, all local media,  and a complaint for negligent conduct by the Dallas Police department are all the subjects of communications dissemination  This will NOT go by as a non-incident.  A public endangerment, negligence to citizen's safety, and lying about what actually happened, SGT Loffner, are not reflections of anything close to outstanding performance,  quite the opposite.  The conversation, is, no question, on file, as 9-1-1 calls are always recorded.