Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Gotz speech in Dresden Feb 9, 2015

Germany is experiencing the same Left Lunacy take over we are.  No wonder Merckl is just a friendly face appearing to respect The USA.  She respects Obama.  The same climate of the world exists now as it did during the Communists Brazen path of destruction and Hitler committing atrocities in Germany.  German voices are censored, except for a rare speech like this one, subtitled, and only viewed by a several few.      Rethink the plane crash by the co-pilot for Germanywings that went down in the French alps.  All terrorists are mentally ill...  Think about a certain leader of a once "free" world.  His agenda is the same as IRAN's using all enemy forces he can - Death to America
Death to the Western way of life.   Communism under an iron fist, with more than half our population exterminated by multiple means.     It's no joke, and the wars will not be between countries, as in every Western Cultured Country is under attack, it will be those with information-comprehension and common sense who will rise up and fight against the subversive, brutal corrupt despicable power drunk money hungry gluttons in power.  THE PEOPLE WILL PREVAIL, NO DOUBT.  Get together with all on the Right, the Conservatives like this guy brave enough to speak out.  It will be a WAR like never before, a multinational war against its own people.  FREEDOM REIGNS, and those who try to control, censor, and restrain will end up as vapor swirling down the drain.  IT IS like GRAVITY.