Monday, May 6, 2013

Landing Gear from 9/11 Found - Appears To Be Planted Evidence Conveniently Next To Islamic Center - YouTube

Landing Gear from 9/11 Found - Appears To Be Planted Evidence Conveniently Next To Islamic Center - YouTube

It was widely known that Landing Gear from one of the planes destroying the WTC on September 11 fell through THAT specific building, formerly the Burlington Coat Factory bldg adding to the controversy over the "Victory Mosque" or what was originally called the Cordoba Initiative until Americans put the facts together and linked their "initiative" to the historical Cordoba House built in Spain on the Basilica the Muslims destroyed, murdering thousands, a ritual marking their conquered territory

You Washington Suck Ups, Journalistic Hacks, Shameful Scum of NBC ( Network Bull Crap ) et al should and most likely DO know this.  These robots are programmed to be in a swirling vortex of evil...devoid of time and place, they are no where but in front of the camera telling lies in a vacuum at that moment, no recollection of the moment before or the moments in between propaganda feeding times.