Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New START: Science Diplomacy for Nuclear Security in the 21st Century

From Reykjavik to New START: Science Diplomacy for Nuclear Security in the 21st Century
CRDF Global's President and CEO Cathy Campbell, will moderate the "Scientists' role in enhancing communication and confidence between and among countries" panel at the "From Reykjavik to New START: Science Diplomacy for Nuclear Security in the 21st Century" symposium. CRDF Global's Linda Staheli and Robin Copeland will attend.
As we approach the 25th anniversary of the Reykjavik Summit, CISAC and USIP are inviting prominent scientists from Russia and the United States to examine the roles of transparency and confidence building in 21st century nuclear security.
The meeting will address:
(1) Examples from past U.S.-Soviet/Russia interactions and how the lessons learned can be applied to current and future challenges.
(2) Monitoring and verification needs in the future.
(3) Scientists' role in enhancing security communication and confidence between and among countries.
The Honorable William Perry, the Honorable Rose Gottemoeller, Academician Evgeny N. Avrorin, Dr. Richard Garwin and several other distinguished speakers will address these important topics.
For more information please e-mail events@crdf.org.

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