Friday, February 3, 2012

Friends of Nature Code of Ethics

Apostles Creed (album)Image via Wikipedia

Ethical Code for the Friends of Nature
January 30, 2012 by fekarp Comments ( 0 )
Historically, the most well-known ethical code is the Ten Commandments in the Bible. I could compare it to five plus five fingers on two hands. Its force is faith, which is educated as the Apostles’ Creed among Christians, and I could compare the Apostles’ Creed to five plus five toes on two feet. This is a very sophisticated design, but I like my own ethical code more, so I created 20 good advice instead. My ethics is based on utility to me or to the environment I am part of, so my ethical code is about rational advice, and not about commandments of faith. Here I suggest that you follow my ethical code or use another.

In short, my ethical code focuses on the survival and happiness, or in other words, on the health and power of both the human and Nature. If I have power, then my will happens more times, thus I am more happy, and if I am more happy, I think I can live longer. So here’s my list, with two extra arguments for each advice:

1. Try to be independent and free

- living creatures are more free than robots

- independent economy is more environmental than the modern

2. Do rest enough, but don’t be lazy

- due resting is beneficial to the health and mental state

- “evil could win if good people don’t do anything”

3. Learn from Nature

- if you learn from Nature, you will respect it more

- Nature is a fountain of original knowledge

4. Only believe that which you consider proven based on your own experience

- if you learn from only books, the words don’t get strong root in you

- there are misleading teachings around the world

5. Don’t give up the hope in wonders

- no one has proven that wonders do not exist

- sometimes the only hope is in a wonder

6. Gather allies, but don’t trust in them blindly

- one human is weak alone, but strong in a group

- both Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ were killed because of former allies

7. Don’t speak too much about yourself

- it is harder to defeat an unknown enemy

- it is easier to make peace with more people if you are unknown

8. Protect Nature

- Nature is good for the education of the next generations

- Nature is the source of life, we cannot substitute it with anything else

9. Try not to be poor

- poor people should work for their living, they have not much time for anything else

- sometimes poor people get only such a work which is illegal or immoral

10. Consume only minimally

- some environmental problems are caused by overconsumption

- not using much electricity makes us more independent

11. Regulate population size

- natural areas were less and less because of overpopulation

- environmental problems are scaled by the rate of overpopulation

12. If it is not against your survival, take revenge for what is done against you

- if they know that you follow this policy, they will do less wrong to you or to your allies

- revenge is a Natural Law which does not need administrators

13. If it is not against your survival, return what is done for you

- if they know that you follow this policy, they will do more good to you or to your allies

- returning good deeds is a Natural Law which does not need administrators

14. Don’t block the spreading of common good knowledge by legal means

- if information is legally protected, people will research it for the money, and not because it’s good (also consider the video and music world)

- if information is legally protected, good people will have less chance to spread their good knowledge for free (e.g. in journals)

15. Move your body regularly

- this may be one of the secrets of good health

- physical strength may be needed to achieve our goals

16. Eat healthy: don’t be too fat and eat only organic food if you can

- this may be one of the secrets of good health

- it supports the environment as well, because it is more secure

17. Take part in some ceremonies of environmentalism (like Earth’s day)

- ceremonies may live stronger than their actual origins (e.g. Christmas)

- you can hear new ideas, you can meet new people there

18. Do good to those who return it

- alliances make you stronger

- it is wise to be the ally of the wise

19. Be extremely careful against the new technological advancements

- you don’t know who else can access your private data there

- technology could be like a Trojan Horse against you

20. Try to make favourable peace

- some say that happy peace is a secret to long life

- in a war there is a risk of losing

This ethical code or something similar could be an educational basis for some of the respected people of the 21st century if a community preserves it. Those who have mastered these advice and want to do more, should be wise and popular to be able to change politics.

Written by Arpad Fekete, this article is in the public domain.

Tagged as: environment, Ethical Code, Friends of Nature, nature, sustainability
Interesting presentation: Sustainability nears a tipping point
January 29, 2012 by Fabian Pattberg Comments ( 0 )
From time to time we also share presentations we find interesting. This is the case with this global study and research project. Please let us know what you think if you have the chance.

Sustainability Nears a Tipping Point

View more presentations from MIT Sloan Management Review
Tagged as: csr, Interesting presentation, slideshare, sustainability, tipping point
Blog For Us
January 25, 2012 by Fabian Pattberg Comments ( 0 )
We,, are looking for more guest bloggers. Our site is ever-growing and we also want to grow our number of guest bloggers writing about environmental or sustainability-related topics as well. Currently we have around 10 on-and-off guest bloggers. But we want more people to have the possibility to publish their blog posts on one of the most respected environmental sites on the web.

What do you need to do?

All you need to do is to send me an email to networks (at) theenvironmentsite (dot)org and what you would like to write about.

What you committing to?

There is absolutely no commitment at all. If you have a blog post ready and you want to have it published. Send it to us.

How does the publishing process work?

Option 1: When you have a post ready, send it off to me and I will publish it in your name and with full credit to you or the website you are running.

Option 2: I will sign you up on our Content Management System as a “Contributor” and you will be able to write your posts on our site. Once you are finished writing, send me an email and I will publish it with full credit to you as the author of course as well. The same as in Option 1.

That’s all it takes, very simple and quick. There is no easier way to have your article published. Promised.

For applications please send me an email to networks (at) theenvironmentsite (dot)org


Tagged as: be a blogger, blog for us, bloggers, blogging, environment, sustainability, theenvironmentsiteorg

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