Saturday, September 17, 2011

REALLY? No, seriously, REAAALLY?!!

Wintery DissentImage by d.billy via Flickr
Is there a problem when the pollsters ask:

"Which Scandal Will Be The Most Damaging To President Obama?"  


A. Scandal IS Damaging Period
F.ast and Furious had Officials Respond to those Showing Concern and Dissent to the scheme, Just Follow Orders "In order to make an omelette, you've got to break a few eggs"   It led to the deaths of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, ICE Agent Zapata, at least 11 more crimes and countless others wounded and killed.
S.olyndra is a complete replica of the economic model this Criminal in Chief is following.. Corruption Eruption via Embezzling Tax Payers' Money.   Knowing the company (companies) were tanking and not qualified to accept such huge amounts of capital that didn't go to saving their survival... Corrupt as all can be, and didn't help because a huge chunk of change went to Democratic Donors, Obama, and Cronies.  This is pure corrupt thievery, embezzling American People's money and putting it where it wasn't going to be used because those investments were tanking either way.   They had warning, analysts giving this a NO GO, a stamp of DISAPPROVAL.. NO, Case Closed by the Bush administration..

They forgot the push for perjury of Commander Shelton's testimony to fit their 'story' about Light Squared, the dangers their signals were creating for the military, and the administration's ignorance or refusal to acknowledge the dangers.

Al Gore, you're a crazy fat bastard trying to make it through unemployment pay with Green Goo... Holder, you're a weak ass pussy, with cowardly corrupt blood running through your rubber veins, and Obama, you are the enemy within, you're not the President, you're a hostile occupier of the White House doing your best to tank this country into the ground, buried deep enough to take years, decades and longer to pull ourselves out of the hole and fix the morale in the legislature and voters.  You've got blood on your greedy little hands, and you should be indicted, tried, and hung for your treasonous position as Traitor masked by the guise of an elected official .. There's nothing official about you, your strategy to weasel your way in or your position as Commander in Chief... Criminal thief, soldier and hero hating Malignant Narcissist.

I never in my life was a hater until this atrocity of an administration.  You WILL pay in ways no one would choose other than monetarily, and you will pay in dollars, but you'll pay with YOUR OWN FREEDOM, as it rings among the rest of us, the real Americans who live and love this country.  Please go away, as soon as you can...tomorrow, or right now isn't soon enough.

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