Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On Closing Our Borders

THE FUTURE OF AMERICA IS SECURE: THE RETURNING...Image by roberthuffstutter via Flickr
Our borders should have been shut down and guarded by the military on September 12, 2001, as a first rule of engagement when we declared war on "Terrorism".  As now Congressman Allen West mentioned, the fact that the war was against a tactic, was a bit misguided.  Identifying the enemy is not "Profiling", "Political Correctness" paralyzes those in power to do something from doing the right thing, ie. The FT. Hood Shootings, at the expense of 13 lives.  That was my first reaction to the incident here at that base in Texas ~ ENOUGH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ALREADY.. We are tolerating the intolerable, walking on eggshells around foreigners and people who come here to suck the life out of us and our "freedoms" and our over sensitivities to OTHERS, at the expense of our own.

Prime Minister Rudd of Australia has it down.  He publicly, firmly, and clearly stated that all immigrants practicing Sharia Law must LEAVE, and all who were whining and complaining about Australian culture and policies could exercise that right as well, LEAVE!!

Racism was in a coma until recently, and those who keep it alive, are those non-whites who thrive on being "the victim".  Victimization leaves them powerless, unable to work under conditions they're happy with, blaming racism, unable to be here legally and live by our standards, or so they say.

How pathetic is it for these people to come here with their delusional sense of entitlement, expecting the "American Dream" handed to them on a silver platter?!!  No American, white, black, yellow, brown, or all put together gets a free ride to live a life of riches and luxury.  We all have to get an education, we all have to know our own language, be able to read and write it at an acceptable level, at the very least.  And if we want the opportunity to not just thrive and get by while working three menial jobs at a time, we have to work for it, and work HARD.  Go to college maybe.. Never the less, WORK HARD.  Learn a skill, a trade, and WORK HARD.  Nothing comes easy to any of us, except maybe Paris Hilton.  What a joke.

If we expect you to assimilate and respect out country's culture, language, and laws, we're 'RACISTS" by your immigrant lazy asses.  Well FUCK YOU and the boat you floated in on.  Get off the pity pot, get over YOUR RACISM, quit projecting it onto us, and take the opportunities you have as an American citizen to learn the language, learn a trade, go to college, and work like we all do to live the lifestyle we choose.  Otherwise, GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND STAY OUT!!!
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