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We all know Eric Holder scrambled dramatically for words when he flubbed his lines during a hearing held by Darrell Issa and the Oversight committee over Fast and Furious. He so famously said "I probably heard about the program a few weeks ago"... This hearing took place back in about July 2010, maybe August. A Border Patrol Agent is murdered by U.S. guns walked into Mexico's drug cartels, violent killing machines armed with our guns? Our own, a man with a life ahead of him, a dedication to his country, who served in Iraq as a Marine, and was planning to start a family with his girlfriend by moving closer and bringing their relationship to the next step.
Tears fall for his grieving girl, his family, his friends, his co-workers, and the children he would have been a wonderful father to, those kids who would have had the gift of loving parents, a loving father, a man who had sent all his Christmas gifts to friends and family, personal with notes to them, which they received after his death in the Canyons of Arizona on December 14, 2010.
Obama has complete faith in Holder.. Yes, of course. He's the attorney general, and he's got his corrupt minions in the DOJ behind him in their line of defense rallied around Obama. Holder denied knowing about the program, under oath, in front of Congress.. HE LIED... He said to have his own investigation by contacting the Inspector general. There are no documents on their website regarding any investigation. PLUS the Dept. of Justice can NOT investigate ITSELF!!!! STUPID IDIOTS!! Napolitano, time for your estrogen treatments, as you lie the hairs on your brute of a face grow longer and your voice more manly.. YOU LIE..
This is an administration FULL OF CORRUPT LIARS.. Washington needs to be flushed into the sess pool it is from the very Top Trash down to the Senate and all around. There's nothing wrong with Congress or the GOP. They're fed up with executive orders, filibustering, vetoing, stand offs, temper tantrums and ultimatums from the fit throwing whiner in chief.. What's the point? They work all day and night only to get vetoed...
The Inspector General was not called in immediately to do an investigation....LYING SACK OF WASTE.. AND. they aren't qualified to investigate their own.. EVEN MORE STUPID! You lowlife trash think we the people are as low and mentally handicapped as you are... WRONG AGAIN... Now quit defending the guilty and yourselves before we bring in a private Prosecutor. cause then IT IS SO ON, and you all will be so unplugged and suffer the effects of a serous BEAT DOWN.
God won't have mercy on your souls, you don't have a soul.. PURE EVIL.