Thursday, September 22, 2011

Two Words:


The candidate that used that as one of three ways to set this country back on track as the closing answer to the debate knows what he's talking about.

Smooth talking doesn't cut it with me, I had a visceral reaction to Obama's charmathon before he even caught on... Wake up people.. A smooth talker is just an ego in a suit.   We had that, get over it....  We need a leader who can also listen to advisers and bend a little... There's a political flip flopper, and then there's the flexible guy who can look at things differently under different circumstances.  Things are hardly always cut and dry across the board, some are, but some are most definitely not.

Against appeasement, for strengthening relations with allies, against a border fence ONLY...  A fence alone is a false sense of security...

Funding illegals' children to go to college -- BIG MISTAKE, but a dude can feel the negative response and not repeat those things... Obama digs in deeper when there's dissent.. The more he's criticized, the more he'll push it through even if HE can see the flaws...

Get over your fascination with the smooth talking charlatan.  Romney wrote a book knowing he was going to run for President one day, and don't think every word wasn't calculated to perfectly fit that bill...   Nice Try, Mr. Slick Hair...

Perry blows you away, Santorum is creepy, Cain is good, Bachmann is good, NEWT -- awesome, but you shallow fuckers will never elect an old hat in.  STUPID.. The panel with the Luntz dude were dumber than door nails, and so is this fucking country, PERIOD...  We're being screwed no lube by Baracketeer O BunchaCrap... For the first time, I'll vote.. And because I've earned that right unlike 75 percent of the population, I'm voting AGAINST OBAMA....  I just hope you guys vote the right one in....  Or hopefully the democrats will have an alternate, in which case I'd go Democrat in the primaries, AGAINST OBAMA.