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Victory. We exposed Imam Rauf. He's out.PROTEST THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE -- FEBRUARY 3RD
Here we go again. The Ground Zero Islamic supremacist mosque has named a new imam, confirming what we already know. Rauf was extreme, we exposed him, so they move on to a new mosque mask without ever addressing the real concerns. This is part of the ongoing deception. They keep morphing, changing, obfuscating to distract, without touching the real problem, the terror and pain of a mega mosque at Ground Zero. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it still ain't kosher.
Imam Abdullah Adhami as its mosque-mask -- the new distraction. But it doesn't change a thing.
Don't change the imam, change the location. I don't know if you heard, but radical Rauf has taken to calling the Ground Zero mosque the "Muslim YMCA." Who does he think he is kidding? There is no church at the YMCA. If that were true, they would have withdrawn the mosque from the plans, but the mosque is the plan, so that is never going to happen. That's the one thing that never changes.
Mohammad said, "war is deceit." Indeed.
New Imam For Ground Zero Islamic Center
DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — The organization planning to build an Islamic community center near the World Trade Center says the imam who has been the public face of the project will be playing a reduced role.
The nonprofit group Park51 announced Friday that it had named a new imam to lead religious programing. It says co-founder Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf will focus on other initiatives.
Rauf announced late this fall that he is starting a global movement that would fight extremism and promote better relations between people of different faiths.
He is starting a national speaking tour Saturday in Detroit.
CORDOBA HOUSE/Park51 said Rauf would remain on the Islamic center's board. It says the group needed someone who could be more focused on local matters.
The group named New York City imam Abdullah Adhami as its new senior adviser.
UPDATE: Daisy is out, too. It's a banner day in the Atlasphere:
Rauf and his wife, Daisy Kahn, will no longer be speaking on behalf of the project or Park51 as they are going to be focusing their attention on supporting the Cordoba Movement, an entirely separate initiative. The center explains their reasoning behind the change like this:
Due to the fact that Imam Feisal is focusing most of his energies and passion on launching this new and separate initiative, it is important that the needs of Park51, the Islamic Community Center in Lower Manhattan, take precedence. While Imam Feisal’s vision has a global scope and his ideals for the Cordoba Movement are truly exceptional, our community in Lower Manhattan is local. Our focus is and must remain the residents of Lower Manhattan and the Muslim American community in the Greater New York area.
Hence the appointment of Adhami. Meanwhile, Park51 adds that other Imams still to be announced will also be joining the board in the near future to coordinate the building's religious services.
Mark your calenders:
NEW YORK: February 3rd, Protest the Ground Zero mosque at NYC Council hearings, 49-51 CHAMBERS STREET 12:45PM
The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 911 Attacks
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, January 14, 2011 at 12:51 PM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink ShareThis
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